#SH with Kandis Draw

Hey Kandis, can you introduce yourself to us?

I am 38, from Chicago, love Philanthropy and all things sparkly.

What do you love most about writing for Curvicality Magazine?

Curvicality is the new go to Magazine for plus size women and body positivity! It has been such a positive journey so far! All of the amazing women that I've met! I love being a part of a community that uplifts women. For so long, plus size women were not celebrated or acknowledged the way that we should be. The best part is, there are so many women out there with incredible stories! Curvicality covers a variety of topics from fitness, to dating and sex, and yes, even recipes. We celebrate each other! No Fat Shaming allowed!

What was the biggest lesson that you learned in accepting yourself?

I think that we as women put a lot of unnecessary pressure on ourselves. Society tries to dictate too much to us about our lives, and that can be very hard to deal with. My biggest lesson was understanding that comparing yourself to other people, can become a stepping stone for failure. Every woman has their own battles that they fight internally. It takes you making a decision to make a change and then taking the hard steps to do so.

What are some of your favorite self-love + self-care practices?

So it starts with the gym. I love kickboxing, and cycling. Being physically active can help you in so many ways! I also love to read! If you were to look in my Kindle, or my Audible you would find a full library of great books. I also love podcasts! A few favorites of mine are,Therapy for Black Girls, Black Girl in Om, The Secret Lives of Black Women, and Joyce Meyers Talk It Out Podcasts. I keep a journal, treat myself on occassions, teach piano, and see a therapist. I love moments where it's just me, and I can clear my head.

How would you like your self-love journey to inspire other women?

It is key for women to know that self love is the foundation for any relationship that you have. Its crucial to always keep the love that you have for yourself, as a priority in your life. It took me many years to understand that. After going through a very hard time in my life, I surrounded myself with other women who loved and poured into me. Having a strong support system, will keep you grounded and centered. My journey will show others that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

What advice would you give someone who struggles with having a positive self-image?

I went through a very hard time and experienced a lot of hurt. It can be challenging to pick yourself up from low places. So, I would advise her to take one day at a time, and to know that real change comes from within. That you have to love who you are no matter what your flaws are, because it's part of being human. Don't criticize yourself, be gentle. Here's a big one... what you can't control let go of, and keep moving forward. Praying is also key!

What inspired you to write for Curvicality Magazine? What's one of your favorite articles that you've written?

I had gone through a major body transformation, and I began to attend various events geared around body positivity, and converse with several bloggers. From there, I learned about the Self Care Suite, which is a multi-cultural self care community. Upon attending an event in Chicago, and enjoying it immensely, I decided to be more open about my journey. One of my favorite articles is where I wrote about friendships and how valuable it is to have older more seasoned people pour into you.

Where can you see yourself within the next 3-5 years?

I plan on finishing my book, and becoming a published Author. I also plan to continue serving on Gilda's Club Chicago Associate Board, and The AIDS Foundation of Chicago Associate Board working my way up to the Board of Directors.(5 year plan) I also do Advocacy work for the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance in D.C. and will continue to do so and becoming a Research Advocate. (I lost my mother to Ovarian Cancer)

How did you learn to be so confident?

Well, I would be lying to suggest that I always feel confident. I still have places in my life where I don't always feel confident, but I fight through those hard moments. My confidence came from years of therapy, and learning that I am enough.

How do you measure your own terms of success?

I keep what I call, "Kandis Goals" a set of personal goals I want to reach myself. It keeps me focused.

What does #SelfHoneymoon mean to you?

I would interpret that as taking a moment whether that be a day, or a week, or simply to set aside a chunk of time just for you, and your development. Or, going on a retreat where you can develop key skills to bettering you.

Lastly, what in your self-transformation journey are you looking forward to exploring next?

I am on a very exciting journey to 40. After that we'll see!

Curvicality Magazine: https://curvicality.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kandi_koated/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kandigyrl3


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