what is self love?

what is self care?

what is self honeymoon?

what does “self-care” mean to us?

At SHM, self-care means more than just occasional pampering. It's about making a consistent effort to prioritize your well-being in all aspects—physical, emotional, and mental. It's the daily rituals, the small habits, and the conscious choices that collectively nurture and rejuvenate your whole self.

what does “self-love” mean to us?

Self-love, as we see it, is the foundation of a fulfilling life. It’s the practice of accepting, appreciating, and valuing yourself unconditionally. It’s about embracing your uniqueness, celebrating your strengths, and showing compassion towards your weaknesses. Self-love is a journey of continuous growth and deepening understanding of who you are.

what does “self-honeymoon” mean to us?

To us, a "Self Honeymoon" is an intimate, ongoing journey of falling in love with yourself. It's about bringing your whole self—your past, present, and future aspirations—into a harmonious relationship within your own heart and mind. This concept encourages you to cultivate a deep affection for yourself, establishing meaningful rituals and practices that enhance your overall wellness and growth. It’s about committing to yourself, honoring your personal journey, and celebrating your unique path to self-fulfillment.

what does “self-honeymoon” mean to you?

At SHM, we believe that everyone’s journey to self-love and self-care is unique and beautiful. We’d love to hear what a "Self Honeymoon" means to you. How do you bring your whole self—your past, present, and future—into a harmonious relationship within your heart and mind? What rituals and practices have you embraced to nurture your well-being and growth?

Share Your Story: We invite you to share your personal story and experiences with our community. Your journey can inspire and support others on their own paths to self-discovery and self-love. Whether it’s a small daily habit that brings you joy or a transformative moment that changed your perspective, we want to hear about it.

What Does #SelfHoneymoon Mean to Others?

  • “To me Self Honeymoon means prioritizing loving yourself in a healthy way so that you can have more fulfilled experiences as a human. Always find time in your life for the things that bring you pleasure.”


  • “To spend time with yourself, get to know yourself, and love yourself . After all, if you don’t love yourself, who will? You’re your own first love.”

  • “The devotion of regular time and space for self-care and self-love for the optimal function of one’s body, mind and spirit.”


  • “To me, #SelfHoneymoon means to cultivate a place within yourself to go and experience self-love. It's a celebration of self.”

    — NATALIE J.

  • “Loving myself just as much as one loves you after an accomplishment”

    — DIONNE

  • “#SelfHoneymoon means to me the utmost power in self-love and realizing you are your own best friend.”


  • “Loving on yourself the good the bad the not so cute and embracing your flaws. Not rushing through your healing but understanding is a process and it’s worth it.”


  • “I would interpret that as taking a moment whether that be a day, or a week, or simply to set aside a chunk of time just for you, and your development. Or, going on a retreat where you can develop key skills to bettering you.”


  • “When you're just loving on yourself after you've discovered that peace in your life that you want forever.”


  • “#SelfHoneymoon means loving myself always, not matter what comes my way.”


  • “#SelfHoneymoon means to me that I should take the time off to just pour me a glass of myself. Which is investing time doing something that would make me feel, think and manifest riches!”


  • “#SelfHoneymoon means to me a solo vacation, whether on an island or here at home. Uninterrupted time to yourself is so precious.”

    — LAURYN H.

  • “Give yourself the love you Deserve.”

    — ELLIE P.