#SH with Dolly Marshall

Hey Dolly, can you introduce yourself to us?

Hello, I’m Dolly Marshall, stylish founder of Dolly Marshall Wedding Beauty & Events. I am an

Event Planner, Wedding Consultant, Makeup Artist, Writer, Stylist, Esthetician and former Flight

Attendant! Over the last two years I have launched my own business to showcase my 20+ years

of experience to create a niche and inspirational platform that provides tailored services to

brides, grooms and anyone looking to enhance their lifestyle.

Can you take us through your self-love journey to where you are now?

Well it’s ongoing:) But I have definitely evolved as a woman! I’ve learned to put myself out there

and be fearless in the pursuit of happiness. The older I get the more freedom I feel in learning

from everyday challenges and it’s an empowering place to be at currently.

What are some of your favorite self-love + self-care practices?

Practicing gratitude and prayer, cooking my own healthy meals, my skincare practice, giving

myself a nightly face massage, doing yoga, lighting candles, saying positive affirmations and

crystal therapy. Which is how certain stones can manifest more abundance and alignment in our


How would you like your self-love journey to inspire other women?

Just know that I am a real woman that strives to find balance daily. I am not aiming for

perfection, so I would like women to especially know that all things are possible when done with

love and being mindful of their purpose. If I inspire someone to switch up their routine or show

that it’s ok to take care of yourself first then I’m happy.

What is the best compliment that you’ve received?

That I have a great personality that puts everyone at ease.

What is one major change that you made in your life that has affected you

most positively?

Practicing meditation! It’s had such a positive ripple effect on so many aspects of my life; mainly

my physical and mental health.

What advice can you give women that want to be successful entrepreneurs,

but struggle with staying motivated?

First of all, don’t compare yourself to anyone else! Your journey is unique and the timeframe for

success is subjective to each person. Write down all of your achievements no matter how big or

small. This will help you stay motivated and encouraged towards your purpose.

What was your favorite speaking engagement experience? Why?

Last year I had the opportunity to speak at the Glambitious Women in Business Brunch. It was

such a pleasure to be surrounded by so many women (and men) who were in the “driver’s seat”

of their business and lives. It's opportunities like this that I can immediately see the positive

impact I’ve made.

How do you track your goals to ensure that you’re making progress?

I write everything in a journal, well several journals!!! I have one just for business, one for my

personal goals and one just for gratitude! The key is to review them consistently to stay on


Where can you see yourself within the next 3-5 years?

I see myself with a husband, children and continuing to educate others to be their best wherever


How did you learn to be so confident?

From my parents.They instilled in me a sense of worth and morals. To be humble and of service

to others.

How do you measure your own terms of success?

If I’ve managed to stay true to my values and utilize my talents to what God has given me by

making worthwhile contributions. Then that’s the ultimate achievement in my book.

You work as a Wedding Consultant, an Event Planner, a Freelance Writer, a

Makeup Artist, a Licensed Esthetician and a Personal Stylist and Home

Stylist…WOW! What advice would you give someone that can’t find just

one passion that they want to pursue?

Don’t settle for one! Years ago I read this book called “Refuse to Choose” by Barbara Sher and

this is my motto! I feel that you should explore all of your passions on a regular basis.

Remember, variety is the spice of life!

What does #SelfHoneymoon mean to you?

The devotion of regular time and space for self-care and self-love for the optimal function of

one’s body, mind and spirit.

Lastly, what in your self-transformation journey are you looking forward to

exploring next?

I’m looking forward to any new opportunity that enhances my skills, promotes my creativity and

encourages learning! I will be returning to college in the fall for an advanced degree, so I am

looking forward to that!

What motivated you to start your blog? How do you find inspiration for your


I started my blog because I love,love to write and I believe showcasing what you are an

expert in! I wanted to create my own platform of self expression that others would find

useful and enlightening. I find inspiration everywhere so it is limitless!

What’s a talent you have that people may not know about?

Well I love to sing and at one time in my life I was a musical theatre major prepping for

Broadway! I’ve never given up singing or performing, so you never know what’s in store

for me next!


#SH with Jessica Foster


#SH with Kandis Draw