#SH with Yma (EE-ma)

Hi Yma, can you introduce yourself?

I'm Yma and I am an innovator, manifester, teacher, student, traveler, healer and spiritualist.

Can you take us through your self-love journey to where you are now?

I see my self-love journey as a relationship. Since the day we were all born, we pour into these roles and ideal versions of ourselves that make sense to us. We either commit to it with consistency or we ebb and flow in a sea of millions of different perspectives of what and who we should be. Since I was a child I have always been on a self love journey. I just didn't realize it until after college. I had to swallow the hard truth that self-love wasn't something that could be sourced externally. It starts from within just like we did inside of our mothers. Growing a healthy sense of self is like growing a fetus within you, let's call it a "self-love baby". I suppose this is what people would consider their "inner-child". Fostering love, security, attention, peace, freedom, and wisdom is what I've learned "self love" is. Listening to yourself, setting boundaries, releasing habits, saying no to surviving, and saying yes to living is where I have proudly arrived on my self love journey.

What are some of your favorite self-love + self-care practices?

My favorite self-love + self-care practices entail a lot to do with sensationalizing every aspect of my life. Catering to my senses. Everything smells good, feels soft, looks appeasing, sounds harmonious, tastes invigorating or comforting or nostalgic. Food, perfumes + oils, skin care, meditation, yoga practices, traveling, philosophical conversations, creating art, reading new literature, playing with different herb combinations, and music are all versions of me treating everyday of my life as if it's the most important moment in the universe. When you sensationalize your life, even the most miniscule things can become a life changing experience. Everything is something to look forward to. From daily activities to grand moments in life. I live as though every experience is to be treasured and pleasurable.

What are you most proud of so far in your journey? What have you overcome that you used to struggle with?

I'm most proud of my discovery of the power i truly hold over my own life. Realizing that every decision I make is destined to materialize no matter what has to be the most empowering feeling I've ever experienced. I truly have received nothing but blessings and lessons, no losses. When you change your mind, you change your reality. When you change your reality, you begin to foster belief and faith. When you accept that this ability is yours, you become not only unstoppable, but absolutely inspirational. In any room, you're noticed, admired, or feared because you are simply grounded within your own self. I believe that comes from the freedom to simply just embrace and BE yourself.

How would you like your self-love journey to inspire other people?

I want people to know, understand, and believe that it doesn't matter how low you fall, success, knowledge, happiness, freedom, peace, and love are already within you. Even at your lowest, brokest, and most depressed state of self, all it takes is one thought to change your path back towards your life's purpose. It's always going to be up to you to decide what route to take in life. Start from anywhere, there are no rules.

What is your favorite gift that you have given yourself? How about one that you’ve received from someone else?

My favorite gift that I've ever given myself is a book called "Ask and it is given". It was one of the most inspirational and empowering books that I've ever read in my life. It triggered a breaking of my mind's barrier that kept me in a very fearful and unproductive mindset. It's about manifesting and sensationalizing one's existence and how to follow through on your desires and dreams. I definitely recommend it to everyone I come in contact with.

Have you ever gone on a date with yourself? If yes, what was your favorite experience? If not, what would you like to do?

My favorite date I've ever took myself on was when I took myself to Florida by myself. I rented out a beach house and cooked, read books, journaled, mediated, swam, and sunbathed all weekend. I went contact free and had my phone off the majority of the time. I was in heaven!

What is one major change that you made in your life that has affected you most positively?

The most essential change that I made in my life was when I changed my inner-language. I learned how you speak to yourself and treat yourself is what the world will mirror to you. I learned that my surroundings were a reflection of my internal thoughts and I began to think intentionally after accepting that as my truth. My whole world changed into one full of love, guidance, clarity, wealth, health, understanding, support, and opportunities.

What are you currently struggling with that you could use more assistance or practice with to improve?

At the moment I'm working on improving my focus and consistency. I have such a wide array of skills and abilities. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming trying to find which one to invest my energy into. I recently discovered my life's purpose and it has significantly helped me with my everyday intentions. The way I think, see, walk, talk, laugh, connect, and dream are all so much more different than when I didn't quite know what I wanted to do.

What are you most looking forward to in your future?

Reflection. We move forward to look back and give meaning to our journey that we've embarked on.

What is your favorite part of your morning ritual?

My favorite part of my morning ritual is letting my thoughts and dreams marinate before making any major movements. I love that moment where we're stuck in between states of consciousness and rest. It's like a fuzzy, comforting void that guides you into the beginning of your day.

What is your favorite part of your evening ritual?

My favorite part of my evening ritual is moisturizing. It's such a loving and sensual act. Using the sense of touch while guiding your hands throughout the VERY alive terrain of your body is so intimate. I think that taking care of your body unveils vulnerability to and from yourself. Without vulnerability love cannot thrive.

What would your ideal wellness ritual look and feel like?

My ideal wellness ritual would include an act that caters to the mind, body, and spirit. Going on a spiritual retreat once a month would be truly rewarding to me.

What tools/resources do you currently use to improve your life?

Water, sound, food, writing/reading have been great ways for me to feel more alive and feed myself mentally, physically, and spiritually.

If you met your future self today, what would you be most excited to talk with them about?

I would be most excited to talk about all of our triumphs and compare our perspectives on what we think was our winning moment!

What improvements would you like to see within the self-love culture?

I would like for society to understand and accept that there is no one way to love yourself. Self love looks different on everyone just like jeans.

What does Self Honeymoon mean to you?

Self Honeymoon is derived from the matrimony and celebration of self.

Connect with Yma

I would simply like for everyone to follow me on my journey to and through my life's purpose. I have come into this word to heal and help others. I have some big things cooking and I know that what I'm going to launch will 100% change the world with what's in store.


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