#SH with Rebecca Bakofsky

Hey Rebecca, can you introduce yourself to us?

Hi! My name is Rebecca (obviously) and I am a social media strategist that specializes in helping online business owners create a profitable social media presence with confidence. I live in New Jersey in the suburbs of NYC and love going to spin class, drinking wine and traveling!

Can you take us through your self-love journey to where you are now?

I was definitely not always interested in self-love! Back when I was in college, I tested myself to the limits – I would drink a lot, go to bed late, eat whatever I wanted and not exercise – I know, basically a typical college student. However, while in college, i also worked full time in luxury retail, which I really loved. But a part of me knew I should give “corporate a try”. I had money saved, so I quit retail to focus on applying for corporate buying jobs.

It is during this time that I started a blog with one of my close friends and learned about the “working from home” world – and the benefits of working for myself and making my own schedule. Soon, I found myself applying for part-time jobs to stay afloat while we built the blog. The blog failed, but I found what I love – social media.

It is during the last three years, while building my social media business, that I was able to figure out what self-love meant to me. I am proud to say that after now being full-time in my business for four years, I am able to practice self-love and am a better person for it.

What are some of your favorite self-love + self-care practices?

Being from northern New Jersey, I don’t “beat around the bush”. And this includes my self-love and self-care practices. Three of my most important practices are: getting enough sleep, saying ‘no’ when I am not aligned with something and working out. Journaling is a close number four, but I am not consistent in that practice.

How would you like your self-love journey to inspire other women?

I want women to know that your self-love is yours and yours alone. Love yourself the way you want to. Not the way your favorite motivational speaker loves herself. Do what fulfills you and what makes you happy. I also want to say to not force it, self-love will come with time – it isn’t an overnight process.

Could you give us motivational 3 tips for us entrepreneurs to improve our mindset?

Surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs.Understand that entrepreneurship is a very crooked line – there are amazing months horrible months and everything in between.As an entrepreneur, you are lucky enough to be in control of your success.

What is one major change that you made in your life that has affected you most positively?

For me, it was turning my phone on “bedtime mode” after 8:30PM every night. This doesn’t mean I don’t look at my phone after 8:30, but I am not as inclined to as it isn’t lighting up. Being a social media strategist, I am on my phone A LOT throughout the day, so to have that time at night as been super positive for me.

What advice would you give someone who’s struggling with growing their brand?

I have two pieces of advice. First, make sure you are aligned with your messaging. If you are not aligned with your messaging, all of your content will suffer and your audience will see right through what you are trying to say. Second, take a step back and look to see what is working for you – and double the effort in doing those things. I’m an analytics girl and am a strong believer in “following the numbers”.

Where can you see yourself within the next 3-5 years?

I truly love helping online business owners feel confident on social media, so I would love to continue building my coaching business to where it is 80% of my revenue all while traveling! Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, so behind able to see 5+ new cities per year would be incredible to me.

What strategies do you have in place when looking at the expansion of Virtually Rebecca?

I have always been very organized! Currently, I have an incredible assistant whom without I couldn’t do half of what I do. As Virtually, Rebecca expands, I would love to have her take on more of a project management role and then hire another assistant.

What is the best piece of business advice you have received to date?

Do what excites you.

What is the number 1 critical lesson you have learned in your career so far?

Separate business and personal expenses! I’m not a tax person, so I’m not going to get into the nitty gritty of it, but separating everything makes it so much easier during tax time!

How do you try to create an evenly balanced work and personal life?

I was recently introduced to a work, life blend versus a work, life balance. Social media never shuts off, which means I can never shut off 100%. This means finding the blend of personal and work life. For me, that definitely means being present while I am working as well as being present while I am socializing. But if I am soializing and something emergent comes up for work, I am always honest with whomever I am with and let them know that I just need five minutes to deal with whatever came through.

What is the highlight of your career so far?

This might sound corny, but the highlight of my career was starting my career!

What is your favorite book? How did it inspire you?

Hands down, Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis. In it, Rachel talks about why you shouldn’t care too much about what others think (which I know is easier said than done) and everytime I catch myself doing that, I always think “What would Rachel say?”.

How do you measure your own terms of success?

For me success is determined by my happiness, how fulfilled I feel and of course the revenue I bring into my business.

What does #SelfHoneymoon mean to you?

#SelfHoneymoon means loving myself always, not matter what comes my way.

Lastly, what is next for Virtually Rebecca?

Up until this point, my business has been mostly “done for you” social media, where I create the content, do the engaging, etc for my clients – which I LOVE! But, I am now also offering my Social Media Acceleration 1:1 Coaching where I help my clients build a social media presence with confidence at an intro rate of $300 off.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/virtuallyrebecca/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VirtuallyRebecca/

Website: https://www.virtuallyrebecca.com

Work with Rebecca! https://www.virtuallyrebecca.com/social-media-acceleration-intro


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