#SH with Lauryn H

introduction: hey my names Lauryn Hartridge, I'm a full time student and single mom who's also in the beginning phases of starting a fashion brand <3

1.) My self love journey is one that really progressed over the last four years. The changes I have seen in myself, my relationship, and my goals and dreams have done a complete 360. I started as this guarded, person with a low self esteem. But when I look in the mirror now I see someone who's completely confident in who I am and where I'm going.

2.) One of my favorite self-love/ self-care practice is shopping. Which is totally counterproductive because I should definitely be saving every penny that I see, but even small buys like a candle or new set of pajamas make me feel warm and fuzzy. Also taking care of my hair, changing styles, trying new deep conditioners etc. is another practice. & Daydreaming, always daydream.

3.) I would like my self love journey to inspire other women to not be afraid of letting go. Whether it be a friendship, boyfriend, girlfriend, or dead ends. LET THAT S!@* GO! It always serves you better in the end.

4.) The best compliment I've ever received is when

5.) Having my daughter has to be one of the most positive changes in my life. She's made me realize how fast time flies and how important it is to have people around you to make the time we spend on this earth valuable.

6.) Clothing is such an important part of my life and an integral part in how I express myself. I see a lack of passion in the fashion world that is needed for fashion to still be recognized as an art form, and I hope one day to fill that need with my brand Nothing New.

7.) Nothing New is a brand I'm still developing. I hope to provide women clothing that they can personalize and make their own entirely. I think as a designer we can only do half of the job when it comes to "making" clothing, the customer does just as much design making the clothing their own. Creating designs that make women feel completely confident is something I look forward to doing in the near future :)

8.) I can see myself further in my self-love journey. Hopefully with the same group of amazing women around me. Making the world a little more creative through my brand, and with a few more stamps in my passport.

9.) The most valuable piece of advice I can give to another woman looking towards entrepreneurship is that if you are not completely confident in your product no one will be. I struggle with this fact at times, but keeping people around me that enforce realistic, truthful critiques helps greatly.

10.) Confidence can be such a fragile thing. I spoke a lot in this interview about the special people I have around me, with that said I try to keep people, and opinions around me that have my best interest and support me on this journey to ultimate self love. I remind myself when my confidence feels low that there is no one like me and that I am beautifully and wonderfully made, my time on this earth is short and I can't spend it second guessing myself.

11.) I measure my own terms of success based on a yearly goal chart I keep in a place where I can see it everyday.

12.) #SelfHoneymoon means to me a solo vacation, whether on an island or here at home. Uninterrupted time to yourself is so precious.

13.) I would like my story to inspire women to know that it doesn't matter when you start, or how long it takes to achieve your goals. There is no time like the present.

14.) I am looking forward to furthering my confidence in my art and what I have to offer to the fashion world. I feel as if I have come to a place where I am comfortable with where my actions have brought me in my life today, and am ready to take the reigns in where I will take myself tomorrow.


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