#SH with Nikki Bryan

Hey Nikki, can you introduce yourself to us?

Hello everyone, I am Nikki B. I am a mompreneur, a wife, a small business owner of an online bakery, D'Delicious Delicacies. I am also an author of a booked called Create Your Own Magic that will be released this summer and next summer I will graduate with my masters in I/O Psychology.

Can you take us through your self-love journey to where you are now?

Wow, myself journey! I have always loved myself because that's all that was poured into me as a child. Throughout my young life, I used to write affirmations and love letters to myself. But we live in the world where we are told we have to "find" ourselves, as if we were lost. Then shortly after I graduated high school I hit a dark point in life where many things became questionable. Many things happened and I blamed myself, no matter if I was too blame or not. At some point I wasn't loving myself enough because I was putting everything and everyone above me. But about 2 years ago when I began to walk my path and embrace my spirituality, I realized what I was doing wasn't working. I told myslef I need to make a change ASAP and get back to loving myslef 1000%. But that required work and it still does which is okay with me. Now I am writting and saying my daily affirmations, going to spiritual counseling and just working on me because thats what self love is. And if I'm not loving myself correctly, then who will?

What are some of your favorite self-love + self-care practices?

My favorite self love practices include writing and saying affirmations, walks in the park, and self love baths.

How would you like your self-love journey to inspire other women?

My self love journet can help other women because it would give them hope. Despite all the trials and tribulations, you are still important, you are still special, you are still neededin the world. You are not your mistakes, you are not your flaws, you are not your pain. You've got to rise above all of that and still love yourself regardless becayse selflove us the best love.

What is the best compliment that you’ve received?

Wow, I'm not sure! I'm not one of those people who look for compliments, so when I get them I tend to overlook them. Which I shouldn't, I sincerely thank anyone that has given me a compliment before. But in my mind, I feel like I am just doing or being what I was placed here to do.

What is one major change that you made in your life that has affected you most positively?

The most major change was when I stopped running from who I am, who God has called me to be. Ever since then life has been good and heading in the direction I always imagined it would.

What is the most important lesson that you've learned about forgiveness?

I learned that forgiveness us truly for you, the person who has to do the forgiving. I do not believe in holding onto stress or any negative emotion. It literally makes your body sick.

What inspired you to start your own blog?

I was inspired because I have so much knowledge stuck in my head and it's not all for me. So, what better way than to share it. Plus, I love to write.

Tell us more about your bakery. How did you get started?

I started my online bakery D’Delicious Delicacies September of 2015. At the time I was a QA Manager at a virtual call center and internally there were things going on that began to affect our paychecks. To avoid sinking financially I used my gifts to make ends meet during paychecks. I used my business degree to get me started correctly. Then I learned as I went along. Eventually became a member of the Sugar Coin Academy where we learn the business aspect of running a dessert business. Because of SCA and hard work and definitely favor, I have had the pleasure of baking for celebrities.

Where can you see yourself within the next 3-5 years?

I’m addition to what I have going on now.. Within the next 3 years I will have another best seller book on the shelves, a professor at a university and traveling every quarter of the year.

What is the most valuable advice that you can give women looking to become entrepreneurs?

You’ve got to want it bad, bad enough that you’ll do everything to prepare for it! Often times we want to become entrepreneurs but without understanding what all it entails. Sometimes you have to have a job to fund your business and that’s the best thing you can do. That’s the mindset you’ve got to have.

What is the best piece of business advice you have received to date?

People buy from people they like.

How did you learn to be so confident?

I was raised this way. My mom and granny always spoke life into us and it just carried throughout my life.

How do you measure your own terms of success?

You know, most people think success is the same for everyone Success for me is accomplishing my goals, not making excuses to get them done. Each goal has to be the next level up from the last. End goal being to leave behind generational wealth and knowledge. As long as Im working toward my end goal, I'm successful.

What does #SelfHoneymoon mean to you?

When you're just loving on yourself after you've discovered that peace in your life that you want forever.

How would you like your story to inspire other women?

I've been through some things in life and I've always had to work 10x harder and still do, even though I dont show it. Nonetheless, you've got to keep pushing and trust the process. Everything I have endured was for a reason and always just for a season.

Lastly, what in your self-transformation journey are you looking forward to exploring next?

Freely allowing all of the things I pray on and for to manifest into my life. I know what I am capable of, I know that I am blessed but I also know I hold back. I'm not doing that anymore. I am ready to see what that side of life looks and feels like.

Website: http://www.iamnikkib.com

Bakery: https://ddeliciousdelicacies.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nidoubleki_b/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nidoublekib

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nidoubleki_b


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