#SH with Ellie

Hey Ellie, can you introduce yourself to us?

Hey I’m Ellie Gray a strong minded women who happens to have type 1 diabetes. Some stuff about me is I LOVE my partner but sadly we are in a long distance relationship. He has helped me find love within myself and helped me better myself.

Can you take us through your self-love journey to where you are now?

Well in 2011 I was diagnosed with Type one diabetes. I remembered this feeling of my life and younger years being taken away from me as the doctors listed what could happen and what I couldn't do. This led to years of pain and suffering thinking I wasn’t good enough and worth anything. This triggered my depression as well as an eating disorder. A year later I was starving myself and attempting to take my life as I saw no hope. I gave up. I was left in Darkness. That was up until I realised I had worth. I don't know how it happened but I remembered sitting in a field watching the sunset and it hit me. This gratefulness for breathing, for being able to see the beauty in the world. From then on I've worked so hard to see beauty in everything. I slowly started eating again. It was tough but I tried and I grew stronger, I had no support but myself and I found what I needed in myself. A year after I started getting better i was hit by a bad break up. That’s where Brandon comes into this. He swept me off my feet and gave me something to fight for, giving me a reason to smile. This made me fight again to reclaim my body. I did it, this showed me that people do help and will listen. you are not alone. Finally I’m happy again.

What are some of your favorite self-love + self-care practices?

Exercise and meditation. As cliche as it sounds these really help ground yourself and find gratefulness for existing. As well as surrounding yourself with people you love.

How would you like your self-love journey to inspire other women?

To see that an illness will not and should not stop you from doing what you love, as well as being happy. I would also like to show them that they are worth everything and loved.

Could you give us 3 of your favorite quotes? How do they inspire you?

1. " to be imperfect is to be perfect to "-Yungblud.

I swear everything this man says hits so hard. he is one of the people who inspired me to be myself.

2. . “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”– Mahatma Gandhi.

This just hits so hard. As you grow you learn that you should go for that opportunity,be yourself, say how you feel as you never know when the world may end. so live your best life.

3. “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”– Milton Berle.

I don’t know why but this quote has always been a fave since I met my partner and has really hit during this pandemic as we have been looking for ways to get close and not give up in these hard times. Again it also inspired me to do what I want. Fight for my right and my opinions. As well as never give up.

What are 5 of your favorite things about yourself?

1.My body. She is so strong and supports me everyday

2.My eyes as they have no much colour and depth to them

3.My nose. I really don’t know but I love my cute nose.

4.My smile

5.My personality

How are you so comfortable with your body now?

A lot of time and work. Just looking at my body when the sun glistens off it brings me happiness. Seeing every curve on my shadow. Just small things. I really try take time to care for my body and keep her clean and healthy. Take time to realize how unique and beautiful your body is. How strong she is.

How do you overcome negative thoughts about your body image?

I write down on a small piece of paper what upsets me about it followed by a shower. When I get out, I light a candle and set fire to my insecurities. The visual disappearance symbolizes letting go.

What is one major change that you made in your life that has affected you most positively?

Taking time for myself. Giving myself time has really helped me start to develop self-love.

Where can you see yourself within the next 3-5 years?

Hopefully moved in with Brandon. Still loving my body and keeping strong. I hope to work really hard and develop my talents as well.

What is the best piece of business advice you have received to date?

“Don’t Give up. Keep pushing for what you believe"

What is your favorite flower? Why?

Oh hard question. I adore Sunflowers and they are so bright and vibrant and remind me of the best times.

How do you measure your own terms of success?

I personally write a diary on how I feel and what I’m proud of achieving. I check back each month to see how far I've come.

What does #SelfHoneymoon mean to you?

Give yourself the love you Deserve.

How would you like your story to inspire other women?

I would like women to be proud of their body and remember they are not alone. People will help and [they] do listen. You don’t need to do it alone.

Lastly, what in your self-transformation journey are you looking forward to exploring next? Inspiring others to love themselves.


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