#SH with Dalia Vanessa Michaux

Hi Dalia, can you introduce yourself to us?

Absolutely! Hello there! My name is Dalia Vanessa Michaux. I am 29 years old, and am Mexican, French, and Salvadorean. I am from Sunnyvale, CA. Which is located up in the Bay Area, or more like the Silicon Valley if you want to be really exact, but have since relocated to So Cal. I enjoy graphic design, photography, all things business, fashion, reading, and of course food! Especially food! I am spontaneous, outspoken, and a bit ambitious. I love hard, and love to help people. I love to be different, and do things differently.

Can you take us through your self-love journey to where you are now?

My self love journey has been quite the roller coaster. I don't think there is a significant part, as I'm still on this journey. It wasn't until a few years ago that I learned to accept myself, flaws and all. This was when my front crown on my tooth came off, then my hair was not in it's best shape and would always be knotted to the point of no undoing. Curly hair is not the easiest to maintain. Not to mention I was at my heaviest weight. I was the most insecure I had ever been, but I had to tell myself that these things do not define me. I had to get up everyday and embrace these changes, and own them as my own. From that moment on I laughed at myself, and at the comments I would receive. Learned to live life more unapologetically, and on my own terms. Ha, butt chin, and rats nest. 13-year old me would be so proud of who I am today.

What are some of your favorite self-love + self-care practices?

Some of my favorite self love practices are prioritizing myself and my needs, talking to myself with love with affirmations, and setting boundaries. I learned overtime that I could not continue to pour from an empty cup, and prioritize others needs before my own. Some of my favorite self care practices are unplugging, and reading a good book with some tea or iced coffee. I also take epsom salt baths, and pamper myself by doing my nails and skincare. I like to play rain sounds, or frequency sounds in the background when I do either of these Definitely makes the environment much more relaxing for me.

What are you most proud of so far in your journey? What have you overcome that you used to struggle with? (or what have you improved that you used to struggle with?)

I'm most proud of how far I've come. I'm not the same little awkward middle schooler who would get embarrassed and cry in regards to peoples comments towards me, and I'm definitely not the same young girl who would harm herself and who didn't love herself enough to know she deserved better. I have overcame so much. I used to get uncomfortable using my voice, and setting boundaries. Now, I don't get uncomfortable advocating for myself. I wear what I want, and don't let peoples comments make me feel less than. I actually use to be very insecure about my arms, and would always wear a jacket or cardigan with every outfit regardless of the weather. Now I simply don't care, so what if they jiggle a little, and are a bit bigger than most. I'm human.

How would you like your self-love journey to inspire other people?

I would like my journey to inspire women to live their lives more unapologetically. Wear the dress, or that bathing suit you have tucked away. To shoot their shot in all aspects of life. To go for their dreams, and do what scares them. Life is too short to continue to put others before ourselves, and allowing what they are projecting onto us when making certain comments to affect us. I want them to remember that nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. Remember there is no one else like you, so be the best you that you can be. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it more than you know. You got this! You are not alone.

What is your favorite gift that you have given yourself? How about one that you’ve received from someone else?

My favorite gift that I have gotten myself would have to be betting on myself, and investing in myself. In 2021 after many failed business ventures years prior I decided to open up my own business, and make it different. I remember the evening I took my savings and purchased a few items for inventory, filed everything I needed to file, and built the site on Shopify. I was so excited to create something different. I believed in myself more than what the cost for everything was.I will never forget that moment. My favorite gift that I received from someone else was a trip to a Disneyland. I know that sounds a bit odd, but the thing is I had never been, not even as a child. I have always wanted to go, but I just didn't have the privilege to do so. So for my 25th birthday, my now fiancé surprised me with a trip there for our first date. I can't even begin to explain the emotions that I was feeling in that moment, I just remember crying, and being in disbelief. He even surprised me with pictures with my favorite character which is Winnie the Pooh! See, it's not about the trip, or how much it cost. It means a lot to me because I was just touched by all the details, and all the little things from my favorite flower, to favorite food, and favorite character to making one of my lifelong bucket-list dreams come true.That's something I will never forget, and will always carry in my heart.

Have you ever gone on a date with yourself? If yes, what was your favorite experience? If not, what would you like to do?

Oh Yes! My favorite self date was when I went to go have breakfast, and grab one of my favorite iced teas from Starbucks. I then went to go get my nails done, as well as a leg message. I followed with some retail therapy after at Ross, or Burlington. I still tend to do this from time to time. I would like to go to one of those luxury spas in the near future as one of my dates, or even take a trip by myself.

What is one major change that you made in your life that has affected you most positively?

I would have to say who and what I surround myself with as well as setting boundaries. I now surround myself with like minded individuals where we share the same values, and it has made a significant difference. You know how they say you become what you surround yourself with, it's true. When you surround yourself with people who uplift you, and speak life into you then you are more than likely to adapt to that, and feel better about yourself in all aspects of life vise versa. I also set boundaries professionally, and in close relationships by starting to say no without apologizing.

What are you currently struggling with that you could use more assistance or practice with to improve?

I currently struggle with nourishing my body with more healthier packed with nutrient foods. I could use more assistance on healthier alternatives for certain foods. So far I have switched out soda for sparkling water on most days. I still have those days where I forget, or if I eat out. Doing so at times does make me feel self conscious.

What are you most looking forward to in your future?

Oh man! can I just say I look forward to the day my business is thriving, and for the day I buy my mother and family a house! I can't wait for those days to come.

What is your favorite part of your morning ritual?

My favorite part of my morning ritual is practicing gratitude, and then of course coffee. I like to thank god for giving me another day of life, and for the roof over my head, the food in my fridge, as well as my familys. I believe it's important to implement this daily, because if we can't be grateful for what we have now, how will we appreciate what is yet to come. I also write down my affirmations for the day in my affirmation journal while listening to music.

What is your favorite part of your evening ritual?

My evening ritual is quite simple, but I look forward to it every day. It consists of unplugging, and spending time with my loved ones. Followed by a shower or bath, and a book while listening to frequency or nature sounds audio.

What would your ideal wellness ritual look and feel like?

My ideal wellness ritual would look like a spa like beach retreat. unplugged. Open panels with a breath taking view. Receiving massages while the aroma of lavender linger in the air. Privately practicing yoga on the sand next to the waves, and just breathing inhaling, and exhaling with nature. Followed by fresh squeezed juices, or smoothies. Ugh, that would be so amazing.

What tools/resources do you currently use to improve your life?

Some of the tools that have helped me would have to be podcasts/videos, and books. I have currently read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz for the third time, and it has changed my life and perspective on it significantly. Other ones that I have read would have to be You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero, and Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab. Knowledge is honestly power, and I have learned so much about myself, my limits, and my capabilities. As far as podcasts I really enjoy the Gary Vee Experience, Unbreakable Latina, and The Self Love Fix. I have also recently started to follow this amazing woman earlier this year who goes by @sheissoloraya on all platforms and her videos have encouraged me to wear what I want, and to be comfortable in my own skin. I turn to these tools and channels whenever I have moments of doubt, and need a pep talk.

If you met your future self today, what would you be most excited to talk with them about?

I would be most excited to ask: Did we do it? Did we make it? How many people have you inspired? What lives have you changed?

What improvements would you like to see within the self-love culture?

I would like to see more rawness. It's easy to say things such as YAAAAS Girl! You're beautiful, Love yourself! Especially to others, but when it comes to ourselves why can't we do the same? I would like for the self love culture to really show the showcase the journey, but with NO APOLOGIES! Show the mistakes, the downs of this journey, as much as the ups and benefits are shown. In the end everything in this on going journeys what makes you, and helps you get to where you are, and that in itself is beautiful.

What does Self Honeymoon mean to you?

Self Honeymoon to me means falling in love with yourself, and all of your attributes. Taking the time to prioritize yourself, and your well being. Knowing your worth, and practicing loving yourself, and being kind to yourself. It's more than just a ritual. It is essential.

Connect with Dalia

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