#SH with Amina Lemande

Hi Amina, can you introduce yourself to us?

My name is Amina lemande. Mother of 3 beautiful boys. I live in the US where I pursue my dream as an influencer/model while motivating women around the world to stay fit and feel unstoppable regardless of their ages or situations.

Can you take us through your self-love journey to where you are now?

My self love journey started at the age of 24. It was my birthday. I stared in the mirror and felt so sad about the girls I was starting at. She was pale. She was Alone. She was a young mom with no knowledge of who she was or what direction she wanted to take in life. That day was the beginning of my journey to happiness. Fast forward 9 years later, I can honestly say that my 24 years old self is sobbing and hugging me tighter than life right now. My promises to myself came to pass and now it’s all about pushing myself higher than ever

What are some of your favorite self-love + self-care practices?

Yoga to reset my mind and get ready for a peaceful start of the week. Saturdays are my me-days. So I like to take a bath and go do my nails with a quick stop at Starbucks and Barnes and nobles if I need a new book. Otherwise I’ll stop at Chick-fil-A ( gotta catch them before Sunday!) and I’d order for the boys and I. Sundays start with a yoga flow and then we get busy on getting the boys ready for the week and the home tidy. ( okay i literally went off subject here haha)

What are you most proud of so far in your journey? What have you overcome that you used to struggle with? (or what have you improved that you used to struggle with?)

So far in my journey I’m very proud to have stepped out of a very unhealthy long relationship. I am very proud to have learned that being selfish is actually a good thing. Proud to have learned that saying NO is actually a good thing. And blocking people from accessing your space in any way is actually a good thing. Those were the blockages that kept me from being where I am today.

How would you like your self-love journey to inspire other people?

It’s been 9 years that I decided to share my journey with my followers. I know my platform has grown and I have niched down to fashion recently. But my OG followers know that I’m all about breaking stereotypes. Just because you’re married doesn’t mean you can’t embrace your sexy. Just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean you can’t stay fit and work on your body. Just because you’re in your 30’s or 40’s or 50’s doesn’t mean you can’t dance like an 18 year old. It is all a mindset. You’re as young and sexy and amazing as you let yourself think you are.

What is your favorite gift that you have given yourself? How about one that you’ve received from someone else?

Time. Time to put everyone and every distractions aside to learn about me. That was one of the best gifts I’ve ever given myself. In return I received love. Everyone around me learned to love me exactly how I required to and deserved to be loved.

Have you ever gone on a date with yourself?

Yes. My date would typically be going to Barnes and nobles and getting lost in a book. I’ve always lived in my own bubbles. This is why many people around me just never understood me. So my hideaway used to be a good book, a good coffee in a corner at Barnes a nobles.

What is one major change that you made in your life that has affected you most positively?

Working out. I literally am not in the best mood if I don’t workout. I love the way I feel after each workout. I feel ready for the world and even happier !

What are you currently struggling with that you could use more assistance or practice with to improve?

Time management. As much as my husband think I have everything on point, I seem to feel like I’m not as productive as I can be. Especially with some of my platforms expanding and business plans bruh d the scenes.

What are you most looking forward to in your future?

As thankful as I am to be where I am ( cause I’m literally living my dreams with my little family). I would love to see more opportunities for African actresses on TV shows and movies. So I’m hoping to be one of those who will stump on the door and break that door open.

What is your favorite part of your morning ritual?

Facial. I love taking my time when doing my facial. It literally involves so many steps but I always look forward to that fresh feeling at the end.

What is your favorite part of your evening ritual?

Praying. I’ve been dedicated some time to just pray or have a little « talk » with God.

What would your ideal wellness ritual look and feel like?

Healthy meal preps, workout, yoga , skin care , run or walk , bath time and reading.

What tools/resources do you currently use to improve your life?

Alomoves - the one app I use for all my yogas. Sweat- this is where I train. A corrie Clark planner ( I love how details they are. Great for busy moms for sure !).

If you met your future self today, what would you be most excited to talk with them about?

Definitely reminding her about all the sacrifices and hard work made along the way and how they’ve paid off!

What improvements would you like to see within the self-love culture?

More women putting in work. Being consistent in their workouts and really learning to put themselves first. No mom guilts, nope self-esteems. Taking charge of their lives and doing what they can do to feel youthful at all times :)

What does Self Honeymoon mean to you?

Taking yourself to a nice romantic vacation. ( oh how I could use one!😄)

Connect with Amina

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