#SH with Sara A. “Miss Vibes”

Hey Sara, can you introduce yourself to us?

Yes, of course, my name is Sara however I go by Miss Vibes. I can say I am eclectic, genuine, vibrant, free-flowing, and big-hearted. I express my emotions thru the art of poetry where my passion coincides. I love to do things on the whim and appreciate the Universe for all that it gives.

Can you take us through your self-love journey to where you are now?

My self-journey is a tumultuous in-depth authentic thrilling growing experience. I started in my late 20s after three years of back-to-back traumas. It was a lot of self-realization as well as realizing the surroundings I was in was stunting my true being. Spirituality also played a major part in it because I was able to allow not only the Universe but God & ancestors to guide me.

What are some of your favorite self-love + self-care practices?

My favorite self-love practice would be pampering myself. Given time to wash my face every morning as well as night and apply natural ingredients to it, taking myself out to eat, doing acupuncture when I can, shopping alone in the city, taking myself and only myself on vacation, connecting with my femineity through dancing to Afro-beats and masturbating... appreciating myself sexually. 

My favorite self-care practices consist of practicing deep breathing, living in the present, spending time with only me, embracing nature, not answering my phone or going on social media from time to time, writing my emotions out, incorporating greens as well as vitamins in my diet and focusing on self

What are you most proud of so far in your journey?

I am most proud of how tenacious I have been with everything I have experienced. There were times where I felt I wasn’t going to make it and I persevered as if the power in me took over. I am proud that I finally had the courage to take not only my time back but most importantly my energy. I can flow through life alone without any issues.

How would you like your self-love journey to inspire other women?

I would like my self-love journey to inspire other women by it give women the courage to keep pulling through. To keep finding themselves and to always know life is an ever-evolving journey. I want women to know they have someone who understands what they been through and are telling them they can make it out of pain, misery, and stillness. I want women to live their lives free through their self-love journey and become their authentic selves from it all.

What is your favorite gift that you have given yourself? How about one that you’ve received from someone else?

My favorite gift I have given myself was my vacation to Jamaica. I ALWAYS wanted to go to Jamaica since watching passa passa in my young days lol I love the culture, the food, and the people. Being a fellow West Indian/African gal, I can’t deny the love for my people. I went by myself, and everyone warned me not to go alone. Being the rebel I am, I still went to Kingston, Jamaica alone and it was one of the BEST vacations I ever been to. It was eye-opening, fun as all hell, and daring. That was a gift that I gave myself, that I will always cherish. 

My favorite gift I received from someone else was a book my brother bought me for my birthday. In the summertime, I had a horrible panic attack, and I wasn’t feeling like myself for a few months. The book he bought me speaks on how not to be in your head and how to cope with it. I was so touched because he gave me a gift that related to me. It was a genuine gesture because he knew what I was going through. That really touched me, and it is something I can never forget. 

Have you ever gone on a date with yourself? If yes, what was your favorite experience? If not, what would you like to do?

Of course! I go on dates all the time with myself! I would say the best experience I had was on my past birthday. My birthday started off really bad however I went to this black-owned restaurant that night, and it was a place I dreamed of going to. Classy, beautiful black people everywhere, the lights were dim, and it was straight SEXY like 90s R&B type video. Anyway, they sat me in the front of the restaurant where this beautiful woman was playing the piano and everyone was vibing. I received so many compliments that night, I felt like a star. Everyone who worked there was SO kind even the owner came out and said hello. The food was delicious, and the drinks were flowing. That night was very special to me because of that restaurant. 

What is the best compliment that you’ve received?

The best compliment I received was from a previous coworker of mines. She said “You are going to be something big Sara, I can see that... you are so determined, and I respect that about you”

What is one major change that you made in life that has affected you most positively?

A major change that I made in life that has affected me more positively is that I stop being so available. I realized what boundaries are and instilled them in my life. That made me have more quality time with myself, appreciate who I am, and not have my energy taken away from me. 

What are you most looking forward to about your future?

What I am most looking forward to about my future is how far my poetry will go with influencing women. I really and truly write from my heart and genuinely do want to inspire masses of women. So, I would love to see it manifest and encourage women to be their best selves. 

What is your favorite part of your morning ritual? What about your evening ritual?

My favorite part of my morning ritual is swishing my mouth with coconut oil to allow all the toxins to come out. I feel refreshed, I feel rejuvenated.

My favorite part of my evening ritual is washing my face and being able to see how much I care for my skin. Seeing myself in the mirror and knowing who I am. I am still working on knowing the beauty I hold but I am always reminded when I look in the mirror.

What would your ideal wellness ritual look and feel like?

My ideal wellness ritual will look like yoga every day with meditation followed. Aromatherapy will be the main key, lavender, rose, eucalyptus, or jasmine candles/incense. Starting or ending the day with purity through aligning the chakras and focusing on the now. With that ritual, I know I will feel light and more in my own world.

What is your vision for your career? Why is this important to you?

My vision for my career is doing something that I love which is putting positive energy and love into other women. Influencing them and making them happy with themselves. It is important to me because I know that is my destiny from the higher power. 

Where can you see yourself within the next 6 months?

I see myself in a higher vibration. I see myself living a life I always wanted to live. I see myself no longer hiding but being my most authentic Scorpio-flowing self. 

What tools/resources do you currently use to improve your life?

The tools/resources I currently use to improve my life are books that connect with melanin people, Tumblr/Pinterest for inspiration, YouTubers that look like me and have the same mindset, and my reflection on myself. 

If you met your future self today, what would you be most excited to talk with her about?

I will be excited to talk with her about everything she has been through and how proud I am of her for getting this far. 

What improvements would you like to see within the self-love culture?

The improvements I would love to see in the self-love culture is the reality of the tough voyage in healing. How self-love can be difficult however it is SO worth it. How loving thy self includes knowing wrongs that came from self as much as other people. Showing that healing is not all roses and doves, but it can be very dark. However, that darkness always brings light. Self-love is truly facing you and growing from that.

What does #SelfHoneymoon mean to you?

#SelfHoneymoon means to me the utmost power in self-love and realizing you are your own best friend.

Lastly, what is your self-transformation journey are you looking forward to exploring next?

What I look forward to exploring next in my self-transformation journey is owning who I am and becoming it with no apologies given. 


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